The Bicycle Cypher Playing Cards are inspired by the mysterious symbols and cryptography used by historical secret societies.
The card backs and faces feature an encrypted message that collectors can decipher. A translation key is included on the ad cards inside the deck.
They Cypher is a luxurious deck which has a dark blue tuck, and the inside of the tuck box is printed with an elegant key pattern. The intricate linework on the outside of the tuck is hot stamped in gold foil and is accented with embossing.
•Marked Playing Cards click to explore more Marked Cards
•Tuck printed with Gold foil with embossed accents.
•Inside of tuck printed.
•Custom printed closure seal
•A coded message is hidden throughout the deck
•Custom printing of a key pattern design on the inside of the tuck
•Custom face styles
•Easter egg cipher on the tuck